maanantai 26. huhtikuuta 2010

What's new and what isn't

I haven't updated my page in about a year, and a lot has happened during that time. So if you're looking for info on what I've been up to lately - sorry. I hope I will have the chance to get back to this soon, but then that's what I always say. Just a quick report - I'm more immersed than ever in theatre/game. Performance game Walkabout from last summer (with Johanna MacDonald) has grown into Teh Walkabout Project, with new performances/games Tower Room and Hermiting coming this year (in July and September, respectively), and side projects here and there every now and then. To follow what's up with that, friend me on Facebook or go to and get on the theatre mailing list. I still try to be an illustrator/cartoonist by day, but I work less. Yup, that's about it, and I WILL try to update the page within a month or so.